Tennis Racquet 16×19 vs 18×20 String Pattern

The 16×19 vs 18×20 string pattern is a debate that has been around for years. Some believe that the 16×19 string pattern offers more control, while others believe that the 18×20 string pattern provides more power. So, which string pattern is better?

The two string patterns are quite different and it is important to know the differences between them if you want your tennis skills improved.

16×19 Tennis Racquets:

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18×20 Tennis Racquets:

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Difference between Tennis String Pattern 16×19 vs 18×20

The 16×19 string pattern is made of 16 mains at 3/8″ on 2 7/8″ centers with 19 crosses at 5/16″ on 3 1/4″ centers.

The 18×20 string pattern has 18 mains and 20 crosses. It’s important to note that the two string patterns are also different in size, where the 16×19 string pattern is smaller, and the 18×20 string pattern is larger.

This means that the size of each individual string will make a difference in how much power it can produce.

Which one offers better control?

For this question, you need to understand what the differences are between tennis racquet 16×19 vs 18×20 string patterns. The main difference between the two is the number of crosses each string has.

Since each string on a racquet creates its own pocket, this means that the more crosses there are, the larger that pocket will be. A larger pocket can provide more power because it can generate a deeper bounce off of the ball. However, with these numbers almost even (19 crosses vs 18 crosses), the differences in power between 16×19 and 18×20 will be minimal.

Which one offers better spin?

The 16×19 string pattern will offer more spin because the mains are closer together. This means that when the ball hits a main, it will hit more than one string and create more spin. However, with these numbers almost even (16 mains vs 18 mains), the differences in spin between tennis racquet 16×19 and tennis racquet 18×20 will be minimal.

It’s all about personal preference. Some people prefer more control and others feel that power is what makes the racquet worth playing with; so whichever way you go, make sure it’s been strung up correctly for your liking.

16×19 Or 18×20 for Beginners

For beginners, it’s important to choose a string pattern that they can handle. Beginners need all the control and power that they can get out of their racquet so going with either 16×19 or 18×20 won’t be a good idea.

Choosing a string pattern for a beginner is dependent on how big the player is and how comfortable they feel with a racquet. Since the 18×20 pattern is larger, it may be too big for a beginner player to handle. A 16×19 pattern could work because it’s smaller and easier to control.

16×19 Or 18×20 for Intermediates

Intermediate players have some good knowledge of tennis basics, so they can handle a racquet with more power. This means that an 18×20 string pattern could be a good option for them. However, they should still consider the 16×19 string pattern because it offers more control.

16×19 Or 18×20 for Advanced Players

Advanced players have mastered the basics of tennis and can handle a racquet with more power. This means that an 18×20 string pattern could be a good option for them.

However, they should still consider the 16×19 string pattern because it offers more control.

Choosing String Pattern for Kids

The 16×19 string pattern is perfect for kids because it’s smaller and easier to control. This will help them develop good habits early on and give them the opportunity to improve their skills.


Based on the information above, it’s clear that the answer to the question, “16×19 or 18×20,” is not simply “16×19”. The size of each string will have a direct effect on how much power is generated. With that said, if you’re looking for more control and don’t mind sacrificing a bit of power, the 16×19 string pattern may be a better option for you.

If you’re looking for more power and don’t mind sacrificing a bit of control, the 18×20 string pattern may be a better option. Ultimately, it comes down to what you are looking for in your tennis game.

Do you have a preference between 16×19 vs 18×20 string patterns? Let us know in the comments below!

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